• Add QDoc Config
  • Add QDoc Config


    First we need to include the doc-style. $DOCSTYLE_DIR must be an environment variable pointing to the directory, where doc-style is located.

    outputformats = HTML
    outputdir = html

    With the variable outputformats, we tell qdoc, that we want generate an HTML documentation. The outputdir variable is used to define the directory, where the generated html content should be located.
    If you are using a version control system, it might be a good idea to let the version control system ignore this outputdir.

    exampledirs += manual

    The exampledirs variable stores the directories, where qdoc will search for *.qdoc files.

    sourcedirs += ../src

    The sourcedirs variable stores the directories, where qdoc will search for qdoc comments within source files.

    headerdirs += ../include

    The headerdirs variable stores the directories, where qdoc will search for header files.

    Here the whole minimalistic qdocconf file:

    outputformats = HTML
    outputdir = html
    exampledirs += manual
    sourcedirs += ../src
    headerdirs += ../include